Headquartered in Nairobi, KIF Kenya is a Kenyan national chapter nonprofit organization officially affiliated KIF (Koyamada International Foundation), an international organziation based in Los Angeles, USA.


Our mission is to improve quality of people’s life by empowering global youth and women to reach their full potential and by providing humanitarian aid and to promote global peace and sustainable development.


KIF Kenya is a Kenyan national chapter nonprofit organization exclusively licensed by KIF to operate in Kenya and independently governed by its Kenyan boards of directors and officers, and operated by its national leaderships and committees. In alighnment with KIF's global office, all projects in Kenya are developed and created locally based on six global targets set by KIF.


KIF Kenya raises its own operational funds by several revenue sources such as grants, sponsorships, memberships, donations and events.


As a national chapter in Kenya, we strive to establish a new county chapter with regional Kenyan leaders who believe in its mission and visions, and support all county chapters in the best possible way and recognize the important work that county chapters do to advance KIF Kenya's mission.


At KIF Kenya, we welcome new opportunities and possible partnerships for mutual interests. We highly understand the importance and value of collaborating with like-minded organizations and individuals to achieve common goals much more effectively.


KIF Kenya is an affiliated nonprofit organization as a national chapter member of KIF. As a KIF national chapter member, we align and work closely with KIF's global office and explore opportunities to collaborate with other KIF national chapter member organizations based in different countries around the world.